Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Score

The score was very interesting. I actually chose to dance Stefane's score because I thought it would be easiest for me. He did an excellent job explaining what his score was about and what moves he wanted to express it. At one point in the score, it said to "hug a stranger". I did just that, and after I finished my five minutes dance, the person I hugged came to me and said that I made his day. We introduced ourselves and talked for a bit. I was really surprised. I made a friend which I never expected. I never make friends and now I see that it is that easy. I'm very used to making eye contact with people I don't know, however, that is where it ends. Never talking, never friends. While I danced the score, I wasn't paying much attention to the people around me. I was aware of them, but not dancing for them. I tried my best at portraying Stefane's emotion and direction. The score showed a side of me most people don't see. It allowed me to come out of my shell and be a bit extroverted. I showed classmates and strangers emotion, even though they were not my emotions. Overall, a lot came out from doing the dance I never expected.


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