Friday, May 05, 2006

Check out Hsiang-chin's blog

Hsiang-chin has a lot of great pictures on her flickr account of the projetcts. These are a few she took of mine.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

This is someone's home on the block, I think it is his own neighborhood narrative. It is a really beautiful creation, I would guess this man gathered these things from the immediate area. He is 'homeless' yet he created this place right here, his place, I think 'houseless' might be more appropriate.

Final Project-Front & Callowhill

Death and homelessness -2 ideas that are important to my life, and many other people's. The block I narrated is interesting. I lived in an apartment there, with my boyfriend, he lived there first. I came across some wild dogs, and in following the wild dogs, I discovered a hidden place where 'homeless' people have there homes, some tents, some a box. Also, migrant workes live under the bridge right there. Many people, including myself, who do not identify as having a home, live here. I have a small red box, in it I keep some personal things, it means a lot to me. As far as possessions, it is possible the only one I care about. If I pick up and leave, I will be sure to bring this box with me, maybe nothing else.

I think about death frequently, it's just a part of my everyday life. I constantly live in fear of the people dear to me dying. I want to keep them safe, and on the other hand the people in my life who have died, I seem to get over it quickly and never look back. So...I came up with this idea one morning --a way to show a temporary home, my box and include the ever present reality of death--this is a link to my initial plan My wonderful boyfriend Bob and his mom helped so much, so that you could experience my idea.

The whole idea is, first I showed the areas where the homeless-wild dogs-migrant workers all live. This is not our typical idea of what a home is, for some it is. I lived here as well, but I'm not sure if I have home. Next I take you to my temporary home. To get there you have to follow my path. On this path are stumbling blocks, each one an image of someone who has died in my life. As you get to the end of the path, you will see the symbols of the people dearest to me. To get into my home you have to make your way through them, as I have to struggle through my life knowing one day these people won't be here. Before you enter into my home, you have to be smudged, and this will get rid of any evil or negative energy you bring. I do this at night a lot, because evil often infiltrate my dreams. Once inside you will find my box, in here are things sacred to me, photos and other memories which I hold close. Once you are ready to leave, I will give you your own red box...
I made everyone a small red box, like mine. I put a small piece of paper and asked each person to write on it. Write whatever it is you would want to know or remember if the only thing you had left was this box. I asked everyone to give the box back and then take a new one. Hsiang-Chin is going to call me in one year when she opens her box and reads the message. I am really looking forward to that call.